Posted on June 16, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Anance

Listening to each others heart beats ear on chest. They take turns listening to each others heart beat while a steth records audio for us to hear. They do a full tour of all of the major auscultation sites. They also talk and acct as natural as possible like two curious friends.
Ziva listens to Anance`s belly noises with ear on belly. Ziva rests her ear on Anance`s warm, soft belly and listens to the amazing noises inside. She moves her ear all over to various spots. A steth under her hair records audio for us to hear.
Belly palpation exam for colon custom a. The Doctor lightly palpates her whole abdomen then does a deeper assessment paying extra attention to her colon. She comments that she can feel her colon rolling under his fingers. Percussion is performed before one more quick round of palpation.
Belly palpation exam for colon custom b. The view from cam B,

Posted on June 11, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Ziva

44 SECONDS STRAIGHT OF ARRHYTHMIA! breath holds a. Her goal was to get lower oxygen levels each attempt. She does manage to do this. On her 2nd attempt she gets 10 seconds straight of arrhythmia after stopping. I told her that I believed she is scaring herself when contractions start and asked her to try to stay calmer. We discussed a few techniques and she started her 3rd attempt. She does keep pushing the contractions longer this time and you can see the struggle on her face. She gets 22 seconds of arrhythmia during contractions and 22 more seconds after exhaling. There is not a single regular beat during this 44 seconds. After her initial exhale she stops breathing again for a while because she can feel the arrhythmia in her chest. She does this on purpose because she knows it's good for the video. I asked her if she had extra caffeine or did anything different and she said no she actually hasn't had any caffeine in years and did nothing different. She also said when she's getting the contractions it feels like a sumo wrestler is sitting on her chest.
44 SECONDS STRAIGHT OF ARRHYTHMIA! breath holds b. The view from cam b.
Visible pulse with the shot glass. She holds her breath over and over again with the shot glass on her chest in the spot that moves the most. You can see the shot glass waving back and forth with every heartbeat and the water inside makes mini waves. Multiple angles.
Workout heart comparison with Anance. They take turns doing exercises to see who`s heart beats the fastest on the vitals machine. While one is working out the other is resting with the steth on her chest. They get very little rest in between sets. Nice difference in heart audio.

Posted on June 05, 2024

Ziva will be here shooting by herself tomorrow June 6th if you have a last minute custom you would like to make happen. Ziva and Anance will be here together on June 7th. If you have a custom idea for them send it in. DivineNatasha will be here July 23rd and 24th.

Posted on June 05, 2024
Uploaded 3 new videos to Divine Selene

ECG Bike exercise on very hard level with heart problems. She sets the bike to a level that is so difficult she almost lifts her butt of the seat with every pedal. On her 2nd attempt she gets 2 PVC`s while still pedaling. On last attempt she gets more during rest. She really tries her hardest on last attempt.
Belly hunger noises after no breakfast. She had to get up very early for an appointment and didn`t eat anything so she`s starving when this was filmed. She gets pretty good hunger growls and other noises.
Her best self pleasure video ever. What makes this video so great is how hard she tries for a 2nd orgasm. She starts holding her breath and flexing all of her muscles for an extended period. Her heart pounds super hard and fast.

Posted on June 02, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Ziva

Belly breast eye ear exam custom. She complains of an ear ache. Since it`s her first time in this office she gets a full exam. Eyes, ears, heart, lungs checked before she lies down. Abdomen palpation, percussion, auscultation, breasts exam sitting up and lying down.
Ziva nude munching on foods. She is fully nude and looking mighty fine as she munches on food in her kitchen with her mouth open so you can see the food.
Underwater fun in the tub with a friend. She is in the tub with a friend. They have breath holding contests and do breath holding individually.
Lower abdomen noises. She is working on her phone for the beginning of this video and later listens to her own noises. The steth is lower in the intestines area.

Posted on May 28, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Selene

Self pleasure with heart beat right after cardio cam a. She brings herself to a nice orgasm pretty quickly after doing cardio exercise. After her orgasm she gets up and does more cardio before trying for another orgasm. This time she never reaches orgasm but she does get very close multiple times.
Self pleasure with heart beat right after cardio cam b. Her heart rate is all over the place since she starts right after cardio and gets so close to orgasm multiple times
Heart ultrasound on her side. Nice clear views of her heart chambers and valves hard at work with heart beat audio.
Comparing her heart with 3 different exercises. She does squat, jumping jacks and burpees with rest in between. SPO 2 records her heart rate and oxygen levels. Surprising her oxygen goes down during her first rest.

Posted on May 21, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Ziva

Bath tub breath holds nude. She holds her breath for as long as she can while underwater in the tub nude. She gets nice contractions. Her female friend recorded this at her house but she did a good job as a camera person.
Heart tour during self pleasure cam a. She brings herself to orgasm more than once while you control where the steth is on her chest. The steth records clear heart audio in the major auscultation sites.
Heart tour during self pleasure cam b. The view from cam b.
Ankle pulse custom. This is all about the ankle pulse. Multiple angles. At one point she exercises for a faster pulse rate.

Posted on May 17, 2024
Uploaded 2 new videos to Divine Ethelia

Super pulse all over. Her naked body wide. This is a really fantastic visible pulse video. You can see a very strong pulse in her neck, abs and both sides of her inner hip. To a lesser degree you can see the steth on her chest moving. Really strong visible pulses all over.
Super pulse all over. Her naked body close up. In this close up view you can still see all of the pulse except for her neck.

Posted on May 13, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Ziva

Belly noise pallooza with 4 hotties! Ziva, Anance and two of their friends get together to see who`s belly makes the most noises. One of them is starving, one is stuffed, one is feeling sick and the last has drank too much water. Ziva is running the show and in control of the room mic. They talk a lot about what they hear and have amazing reactions. For a short time they use the steth head. At the end they have a final contest to see who can make the most noises by moving their belly in and out. This is one of the most entertaining and natural collaborations we've ever shot. All of them do such a great job.
Face sitting and more. Imagine lying on the floor while two beautiful women take turns sitting on your face. They also press their bare breasts on your face so you can`t breathe. If you want to see what else they do buy the video.
Balloon breath games with heart beat. It`s been a while since we did one of these. She blows air back and forth between the balloon and her lungs for as long as she can. Heartbeat is recorded.
Fantastic heart ultrasound on her side. This is a super clear heart ultrasound showing her chambers and valves in great detail. Lying on her side makes her heart even clearer than usual and it`s already one of the best we`ve ever had for ultrasound.

Posted on May 09, 2024
Uploaded 3 new videos to Divine Karter

Cardio on the bike for 8 minutes straight. She does cardio on the newish bike for 8 minutes straight and then stops to rest while her heart rate is recorded on the machine. She slowly increases her pedal speed so her heart rate is constantly going up.
Ultrasound of fast pounding heart. She does cardio before jumping on the exam table for her ultrasound. We get views of her chambers and valves working hard under stress.
New patient belly and breast exam. Dr. checks her eyes, ears and neck before listening to heart and lungs. Patient is reclined. Breast exam is performed along with a belly exam.

Posted on May 04, 2024
Uploaded 1 new video to Divine Trilogy

Bucket hat challenge. She filmed this herself at home. She has a list of times on paper in her bucket hat. She has to hold her breath for whatever time she pulls out of the hat with only one breath in-between. Times are between 30 secs and 2 min. It`s a hard challenge standing.

Posted on May 04, 2024
Uploaded 2 new videos to Divine Ethelia

Super vacuums naked with heart beat a. She does some super deep vacuums while her heart beat is recorded. Deeps concave stomach and protruding ribs.
Super vacuums naked with heart beat b. The view from cam b. This cam is closer to her bright blue eyes and face.

Posted on April 28, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Ziva

Bike workout trying for max heart rate. She pedals the bike at a fast rate to see what her maximum heart rate is while her pulse rate is displayed on the machine. She rests for a little bit between attempts and each new attempt is harder than the last. She gets up to 175. Great faces during her struggle.
Feeling her pulse all over. You start at her feet and work your way up to her neck, feeling her pulse everywhere you can.
Self pleasure during ultrasound. Nice clear view of her heart chambers and valves while she brings herself to orgasm. Major heart rate changes as orgasm nears.
Breath hold contests with her friend. She shot this herself at her house. She has breath holding contests with her friend. The friend is very bad which causes Ziva to push herself extra hard so the video is still worth buying. She achieves a 2 minute BH sitting up with no prep.

Posted on April 22, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Selene

Heart beat while lying 4 different ways. We wanted to see if lying in different ways effects her heart and PVC`s. She starts on her back, then her front and then both sides.
Ultrasound of fast heart looking for PVC`s. We look to capture PVC`s with the ultrasound after she has done cardio exercise.
Self pleasure with her vibe double orgasm. She brings herself to orgasm twice with her vibrator. Her heart rate really picks up a lot each time she approaches orgasm.
Capturing PVC`s on the ECG after cardio. The ECG readings are very strong, clear and precise in this video. She does cardio before each scene starts so her heart goes from racing to slow. PVC`s are captured along the way.

Posted on April 15, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Karter

Breath hold contests with Ziva nude cam a. This was filmed a day or two after the contest video on Ziva`s site. They hold their breath as long as they can and switch places each time. The steth records heart beat audio of the person closest to the camera.
Breath hold contests with Ziva nude cam b. The view from above.
Heart ultrasound relaxed. She rests on the exam table while the ultrasound checks out her chambers and valves. Her heart is easy to ultrasound with nice clear images.
Ziva orders her to workout. Ziva tells Karter what exercises she should do then during rest we hear Karters heart pounding. During the exercise we hear Ziva`s heart as she stands watching.

Posted on April 12, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Ziva

Breath hold contests with Karter topless a. Ziva has much more experience than Karter so we handicapped her to make it a closer contest. They switch places every breath hold and also switch who has the steth on their chest recording heartbeat. Nice video with lots of contractions.
Breath hold contests with Karter topless b. On their first attempt they both take 30 breaths. On the 2nd attempt Karter takes 40 while Ziva does 20. On last attempt Karter does 40 and Ziva does 15 breaths.
Karter listens to Zivas heart after exercise. Ziva has to do a few sets of exercise for Karter. While Ziva is exercising we hear Karters heart. When Ziva stops to rest we hear her heart pounding hard. They talk to each other in a fun way.
Ziva eats a taco or 3. She`s hungry so she eats a taco while holding the steth on her belly the whole time. It`s a bit of a challenge to do both. Her noises get stronger and more frequent as she eats.

Posted on April 10, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Ethelia

1st breath holds with oxygen nude cam a. She does the usual breathing prep and then takes her last breath from the oxygen bag. Our oxygen bag is not pure oxygen. It is closer to 40-50%. She gets nice contractions and improves greatly each time.
1st breath holds with oxygen nude cam b. The view from above.
Starving of hunger and it`s past lunch time. She hasn`t ate anything since early the day before and it`s just past her usual lunch time now. She`s getting a variety of hunger noises while she listens with headphones. She talks a small amount.
Blood pressure sampler with new machine. She uses the new to her blood pressure machine while lying on the floor, sitting up, standing, and after exercise.

Posted on April 07, 2024
Uploaded 3 new videos to Divine Nikki

Visible pulse after cardio close view. She does cardio which is sped up just so you can see what she did. Then she lies on the floor. The camera is zoomed in close so you can see the pulse in her abs, chest and neck.
Visible pulse after cardio wide low view. This is the same video shot from a lower and wider angle. Here you can also see her face.
Feeling her pulse all over her body with ECG readings. You start at her feet and work your way up her body feeling her pulse everywhere you can. ECG readings of her heart in corner.

Posted on April 02, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Anance

Intestine sounds. We put the steth below her belly button for a change to record intestine sounds. The sounds are pretty constant and there is medium variety.
Super orgasm with heart beat. She has a pretty intense orgasm which causes her to squirt a lot. Nice clear heartbeat audio.
Biking for 8 minutes straight with heart beat. She pedals the new bike for 8 minutes straight increasing her speed as she goes so her heart rate also increases. During rest she has to put her hair up while gasping for air.
Blood pressure ECG sampler combo. She uses the new blood pressure cuff for the first time while also hooked up to the ECG. She checks her own pressure twice in each position. Lying, sitting, standing, after exercise.

Posted on March 30, 2024
Uploaded 4 new videos to Divine Karter

1st stomach vacuums. She does a variety of stomach vacuums and is good at it. She does some with her arms down some with arms up and there are a few cam angles. Room audio.
Super nice visible ab pulse. The visible pulse in her abs is as good as it gets. Not only are her abs perfect and gorgeous, they also ripple from one side to the other with every heartbeat. She pauses on exhale sometimes to exaggerate the effect.
Bike cardio x3. This is our last video with the old bike. She pedals and rests 3 times. Each time she pedals faster for a faster heartbeat.
Ziva listens to Karter`s belly noises. Ziva explains that she used to put her ear on Karter`s belly when they were kids to listen to her noises. They talk a few times throughout the video. Karter`s noises get better and better as video progresses. Near end she`s getting hunger growls.